Upcoming Events at Thy Kingdom Come Church Ministry

Bible Study

Join us by signing up through our contact form for our next upcoming community outreach event!!! TKCCM hosted Bible Study Sessions are held bi-weekly, every first and third Saturday!!! It is where we dive deep into teaching the scripture. So tune in for a tune up! Let us come together in fellowship, building a solid foundation and  structure of unwavering faith, catapulting inspiration and unrelentingly strong+strong motivation, being fully persuaded & found without a spot or a wrinkle.

Charity Fundraiser

Join us for a special monthly charity fundraiser event!! It's where we come together as a community to raise funds for those in need!!

Like, comment, subscribe & fellowship!! Keep up to date on all of our ongoing campaigns, subscriptions and fundraising events by signing up today on our contact form!!!

TKCCMinistry believes in one nation under God. Together through fellowship, service, commitment, donation and dedication, Thy Kingdom Come Church Ministry, wants every man, woman, boy and girl to have a chance to experience and respond to the Gospel through meaningful action. So, give of yourself, give of your time, donate and tithe while giving God a try!!

Your donations are tax deductible!!

  • You don't have to wait til we have an event, you can give at anytime on CashApp!! Or through our secure web page donation portal!!!

2 Corinthians 9:6-8 "...God loves a cheerful giver!"


Educational Workshop


Anger Management :

Calm Anger Fast! Unlock peaceful moments!
Get relief from anger issues with an effective online program.

Take charge of your emotions. Salvage important relationships!

Start managing your anger today!

You deserve and owe it to yourself...a more healthy, harmonious, joyful and fulfilling life irregardless of the circumstances or the situation! If you feel that you need more help or assistance managing your anger, know that you are never alone. You can contact 'Thy Kingdom Come Church Ministry' by filling out a contact form. You can expect to hear back from us within 24-48 hours. If you feel that you need immediate assistance, please dial 911. 


Thy Kingdom Come Church Ministry holds bi-weekly Bible Study events to engage with the community and spread love and compassion. 

We are excited to announce that a motivational speaker will be joining us for our future events to inspire and uplift all attendees.

Join Us at Our Next Event!

Experience the warmth of our community and participate in meaningful events that make a difference.